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    The Smartbits represent an accessible and user-friendly toolkit designed to seamlessly link sensors and actuators to the expansive realm of the Internet. Anchored by the… Read More »Smartbits


      Enter Edgies, an innovative concept redefining electronic prototyping by introducing specialized components designed to expand the functionality of a breadboard. At its core, Edgies revolutionizes… Read More »Edgies


        Introducing Drawbots: diminutive, autonomous robots designed to traverse surfaces in an intriguingly erratic manner while leaving behind an artistic imprint. These bots consist of batteries… Read More »Drawbots


          Welcome to Chickenrun, an innovative endeavor aimed at the metamorphosis of a mere wall into a vibrant circuit board canvas. Our initiative involves augmenting a… Read More »Chickenrun


            Ich dachte immer, ich lese/höre nicht viele Bücher. Dann hab ich diese Liste angefangen und gelacht. Doch, ein bisschen beschäftige ich mich schon mit Büchern.… Read More »Bücher